HTTP/WebSocket support

If enabled in the config, rtpengine can handle requests made to it via HTTP, HTTPS, or WebSocket (WS or WSS) connections. The supported HTTP URIs and WebSocket subprotocols are described below.

Dummy Test Interfaces

For HTTP and HTTPS, the URI /ping is provided, which simply responds with pong if requested via GET. For WebSockets, the subprotocol is provided, which simply echoes back any messages that are sent to it.

CLI Interface

This interface supports the same commands as the CLI tool rtpengine-ctl that comes packaged with rtpengine. For HTTP and HTTPS, the command is appended to the URI base /cli/ and the request is made via GET, with spaces replaced by plus signs as required by HTTP (e.g. GET /cli/list+totals). For WebSockets, the subprotocol is and each WebSocket message corresponds to one CLI command and produces one message in response. The format of each response is exactly the same as produced by the CLI tool rtpengine-ctl and therefore meant for plain text representation.

ng Protocol Interface

This interface can be used to send and receive ng protocol messages over HTTP or WebSocket connections instead of plain UDP.

For HTTP and HTTPS, the URI /ng is used, with the request being made by POST and the content-type set to application/x-rtpengine-ng. The message body must be in the same format as the body of an UDP-based ng message and must therefore consist of a unique cookie string, followed by a single space, followed by the message in bencode format or JSON format. Likewise, the response will be in the same format, including the unique cookie.

For WebSockets, the subprotocol is used and the protocol follows the same format. Messages must consist of a unique cookie and a string in bencode format or JSON format, and responses will also be in the same format.

Additionally the URI /ng-plain and the WebSocket subprotocol are supported, which operate identical to what is described above except that they carry ng protocol messages without the unique cookie. In other words, each payload is just a plain bencode dictionary or a JSON object. Therefore the content-type application/json can also be used for HTTP POST.

Prometheus Stats Exporter

The Prometheus metrics can be found under the URI /metrics.